Ergon Guitars @ Holy Grail Guitar Show 2018

The Holy Grail Guitar Show will be back in Berlin, and Ergon Guitars is honoured to once again share the exhibition will a select group of the most talented and interesting luthiers and guitar builders in the world. The show will take place in the Estrel Hotel in Berlin (Germany), on May 5th and 6th. Alongside the show, you can hear the instruments in democoncerts and atend lectures and panel discussions with… Read More

Ergon Guitars @ SHG Musicshow Milano 2017 with EGB members

The next chance to come take a look at Ergon Guitars will happen the coming November 18th and 19th, at the 2017 edition of the SHG Music show Milano. The event will happen at the Milano Congressi in Milan, Italy. We will share the exhibition will other EGB community members, so we invite you to come over and have a look and play at some of the finest instruments crafted in Europe.

Ergon Guitars with EGB at Guitar Summit 2017

Ergon Guitars will be one of the members of the European Guitar Builders (EGB) exihibition present at Guitar Summit 2017. The event will take place in Mannhein (Germany), at the Kongresszentrum Rosengarten between September 8th and 10th. You can follow updates and find additional information at the website dedicated to the event or through Facebook. Be sure to also visit the EGB website and see the great builders we will have the… Read More

Lisboa RSP

The Ergon Lisboa RSP is an homage inspired by work of luthier Rolf Spuler, of Paradis Guitars. The bookmatched Tamo ash top was kindly provided by the customer, who was an aquaintance of this great guitar builder. A testament to how wondeful works of art can continue to generate more art, even after the original creator is sadly no longer with us. I was suprised to see the similarity of the curves… Read More

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